Why Are More and More People Choosing Chiropractic Care?

Chiropractic’s approach to your body and the focus on Correcting the Primary Conditions in the Spine and surrounding Neurology gives your body the best chance to heal and function optimally. Secondary Symptoms can be resolved through a focus on the Primary Condition.

Please allow us to guide you through this process of healing and growing. 

Research has shown that Primary Conditions in the Neurological and Structural systems of the body also known as Vertebral Subluxations ( Spinal Misalignments) can lead to Secondary Symptoms like pain and dysfunction as well as a lack of health and healing.  At the House of Chiropractic we are dedicated to the location and correction of your Primary Conditions allowing your body to heal and function at peak potentials. 

chiropractic care table in a chiropractic care office in decatur georgia

We Believe in Personalized Care for Spinal and Neurological Health.

Dr. Mike’s and the House of Chiropractic’s approach to your body and the focus on Correcting the Primary Conditions in the Spine and surrounding Neurology gives your body the best chance to heal and function optimally. 

Research has shown that Primary Conditions in the Neurological and Structural systems of the body, also known as Vertebral Subluxations (Spinal Misalignments), can lead to Secondary Symptoms like pain and dysfunction as well as a lack of Health and Healing.  At the House of Chiropractic, we are dedicated to the location and correction of your Primary Conditions allowing your body to heal and function at peak potentials.

For example, your Upper Cervical Spine is mainly Parasympathetic, which are the network of nerves in your body that relaxes you after periods of danger or stress. This is called “Rest & Digest.” This Parasympathetic Nervous System also assists in life-sustaining processes, like digestion and rejuvenation during sleep. So, if your Upper Cervical spine is out of alignment, your body may exhibit symp[toms like insomnia, headaches, or general anxiety and nervousness.

There are many daily issues that people experience that can be aided by the best Chiropractic care. Most athletes can benefit in huge ways from a recovery perspective. From weekend warriors to marathon runners, keeping the spine in alignment has both short-term and long-term physical benefits. Whether the problem is in the basic movement of the vertebrae themselves, in the neurology of the Central Nervous System or even in the connecting ligaments and tendons; Chiropractic care is about naturally assessing those factors and creating a solution that solves the problem and prevents further issues.